Strengthen your school community with authentic student-teacher relationships.

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The Power of Relationships
“Supportive student-faculty relationships are linked to better school performance and engagement, greater social competence, and willingness to take on challenges.”
Learning Policy Institute (2018)

Foster relationships between students and faculty.


Review classroom content and refine skills.


Empower students to take on new challenges through competition.

How It Works
1Students try to solve riddles that reveal teachers’ identities.
2When revealed, the student finds the teacher and is asked questions based on classroom content. If successful, the student receives the teacher’s Stumped card.
3The student that collects the most Stumped cards wins.
Why Stumped?

Light a Fire

"Students who feel they belong at school are also less likely to engage in risky and antisocial behaviours, to play truant and drop out of school, and to be unsatisfied with their lives."[1]

Full House

“Research suggests that students are more likely to attend and graduate from school, attach to learning, and succeed academically when they have strong, trusting, and supportive connections to adults, including at least one committed relationship with a close advisor or mentor.”[2]

Caps and Gowns

“In America today, 1.3 million students fail to graduate each year; this means that... more than 7,200 students drop out every day.” “Often, it is because of close adult-student relationships that students who are placed at risk are able to attach to school, problem solve, and gain the academic and other kinds of help they need to succeed, thereby decreasing the risk for dropping out.”[3]

Data Driven

Stumped collects precise data regarding participant engagement, student-staff interactions, content retention, and more. All data content can be imported and exported for your administrative needs.

1, 2, 3 “Sense of Belonging at School: PISA 2018 Results (Volume III) : What School Life Means for Students' Lives: OECD ILibrary.” OECD Instance, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development,

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